This is a Life In The UK Practice test that was created based on the real exams. The questions on the test are the ones that have been in previous real exams.
Time Limit – 45 Minutes
Pass Mark – 75% which is the equivalent of 18 correct questions out of 24.
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#1. Around 4,000 years ago, people learned to make bronze, this period was known as:
This period was known as the Bronze Age.
#2. Which flower is associated with Northern Ireland?
The shamrock is the national flower of Northern Ireland.
#3. Where does the UK Parliament sit?
The UK Parliaments sits at Westminster.
#4. If you wish to be a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, you should: Select two answers.
If you wish to be a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, you should: respect and obey the law respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions treat others with fairness look after yourself and your family look after the area in which you live and the environment.
#5. One of the aims of the United Nations is to:
The UN aims to prevent war and promote international peace and security.
#6. There is no place in British society for: Select two answers.
There is no place for extremism or intolerance in British Society.
#7. Which two types of media must give a balanced coverage of all political parties and equal time to rival viewpoints before an election? Select two answers.
By law, radio and television coverage of the political parties must be balanced and so equal time has to be given to rival viewpoints.
#8. MPs can only be contacted by telephone. Is this true or false?
This is false. MPs can be contacted by letter or telephone at their constituency office, or at their office in the House of Commons. MPs also hold regular local ‘surgeries’, where constituents can go in person to talk about issues that are of concern to them.
#9. To apply to become a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, applicants will need to be able to:Select two answers.
Applicants will need to speak and read English and have a good understanding of life in the UK.
#10. In Northern Ireland newly qualified drivers must display:
Newly qualified drivers in Northern Ireland must display an ‘R’ plate for one year after passing their test. The ‘R’ stands for a restricted driver.
#11. What are British Values based on?
British values are based on history and traditions and are protected by law, customs and expectations.
#12. ‘Great Britain’ refers to:
‘Great Britain’ refers to England, Wales and Scotland. It does not include Northern Ireland.
#13. The second-largest party in the House of Commons is called:
The second-largest party in the House of Commons is called the opposition. The leader of the opposition usually becomes Prime Minister if his of her party wins the next General Election.
#14. Applying to become a permanent resident or citizen of the UK is: Select two answers.
Applying to become a permanent resident or citizen of the UK is an important decision and commitment.
#15. MPs are elected at a General Election which is held:
MPs are elected at a General Election, which is held at least every five years.
#16. When you become a permanent resident of the UK, you must accept and agree to respect:
When applying to become a UK citizen you will be agreeing to accept the responsibilities related to permanent residence and to respect the laws, values and traditions of the United Kingdom.
#17. In what year did The Bill of Rights come into effect?
The Bill of Rights came into effect in 1689. The Bill of Rights confirmed the rights of Parliament and the limits of the king’s power.
#18. A ‘bank holiday’ is a public holiday when only banks close for the day. Is this true or false?
This is false. A bank holiday is a public holiday where banks and many other businesses close for the day.
#19. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are governed only by the parliament in Westminster. Is this true or false?
The UK is governed by the parliament sitting in Westminster, however, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also have their own parliaments or assemblies with various powers.
#20. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are part of the UK. Is this true or false?
The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are closely linked to the UK but they are not a part of the UK. They have their own Governments are called ‘Crown Dependencies”.
#21. In 1455, a civil war was begun to decide who should be king of England. The war was called the War of the Roses and It was fought between the supporters of which two families: Select two answers.
Select all that apply:
The war was fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. The war was called the Wars of the Roses because the symbol of Lancaster was a red rose and the symbol of York was a white rose.
#22. 1918 was an important date in the history of women’s rights because:
Women over the age of 30 were given the right to vote in 1918. In 1928 the age was lowered to 21 which was the same age as men.
#23. The first people to live in Britain were:
The first people to live in Britain were hunter-gatherers, in what we call the Stone Age.
#24. Snowdon is the highest mountain in:
Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales.